Tutorial 1
Making Multimedia Accessible
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Professor Mike Wald (Short Biography)
Electronics and Computer Science (ECS),
Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering
University of Southampton
Southampton, United Kingdom. SO17 1BJ
Text can reduce the memory demands of spoken language. Speech can better express subtle emotions. Images can communicate moods, relationships and complex information holistically. A few years ago Netflix was successfully sued over lack of closed captioning of videos and in February 2015 Harvard and MIT were also sued over lack of video closed captioning. The use of video has grown dramatically and the world wide wide consortium accessibility guidelines recommend providing captions and audio descriptions of video and ensuring video players have controls that can be operated using a keyboard. This tutorial will address the issues involved in making multimedia accessible.
Tutorial 2
A Hands-on Tutorial on Face Recognition
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Dr. Tee Connie (Short Biography)
Faculty of Information Science and Technology,
Multimedia University
Face recognition is a popular biometric technology that has been adopted in a variety of applications, ranging from social networks to mobile applications. The objective of the workshop is to enable the participants to step through every processes involved in a face recognition system. A step by step guide will be provided, with specific reference to preprocessing, feature extraction and matching techniques. By the end of the workshop, participants will have hands-on experience in developing a simple face recognition system. Participants will also have
insight into some recent technology development in face recognition
Tutorial 3
How to Accelerate R&D Innovation with TRIZ
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Prof. Dr. Lau Siong Hoe (Short Biography)
Faculty of Information Science and Technology,
Multimedia University
This creative problem solving program is based on TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) with the aim to provide the large public with knowledge and tools which help them solve creatively and innovatively in a scientific way problems they may encounter during their lives. The TRIZ systematic approach guides people during problem solving activities avoiding a random exploration of the space of solutions towards solutions that have demonstrated their efficiency and effectiveness in similar situations in the past, in the same or in completely different application domains. TRIZ does not give solutions directly applicable but it suggests only research directions to find solutions and then leaving place to the inventors’ creativity. The aim of this tutorial is to give the participants a solid starting point to apply TRIZ tools and TRIZ thinking in their everyday R&D works. With TRIZ, researchers can generate more ideas than before, faster than before, and select the best ones in an automatic way.
Tutorial 4
Forensic vs. Anti-forensic in Biometirics: Towards Receipt-freeness and Coercion-Resistance in biometric authentication protocols
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Prof Kouichi Sakurai (Short Biography)
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Currently, cancelable biometrics, asymmetric biometric authentication, and some related methods are proposed as remote biometrics. These proposals are discussed in the viewpoint of privacy protection. Namely, thet are regarded as forensic approach which means collecting evidence for some person’s authentication. However, there are a few research on no anti-forensic approach which includes remaining no data in authentication systems. Therefore, we define “receipt-freeness” of biometric authentication protocol, which means no evidence left, as a first step. We analyze some remote biometric authentication protocols about “receipt-freeness.” This talk also consider the property and recent techniques for Coercion-Resistance in biometric authentication protocols, which have been investigated in electronic voting schemes.
Tutorial 5
Eye-tracking Analysis
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Dr. Johanna & Ceicalia Tesavrita, et al. (Short Biography)
Eye-tracking is the process of following the eye movement of a user or customer. By doing this, we can get more understanding about how their brain processes the information. Eye-tracking analysis has been widely used in marketing, human-computer interaction, psychology etc. An eye tracker is a device that can be used to track eye position and gaze direction or eye movement.
This demonstration will give an introduction to eye-tracking analysis and its application in many fields, especially in website usability testing. It will cover from designing the test, conducting the test and analyzing the output